
Showing posts from February, 2015

How to get maximum output...!

Make Your Desire Strong For Better Outputs... Everyone, You have listened to various authors who said that the only means for better outputs/ result is work harder, But to me it do not agree to it, I tried too much to work harder but seriously it didn't work... You all have also experienced it.  But According to me... I think that If there is not any force behind you to motivate yourselves you can not work harder in any means. So, what you have to do is just strong your desire by staying calm for some days and make your mind thinking about that work, then after some time when you think that you can do it, then start your work ... Your strong desire will work as your motivation. Trust me when you will work by this means you will get an output which is really extra-ordinary, which is unexpected, which is shocking, You will be forced to think that who did it. ! Best of Luck all, Keep achieving higher...  Krishna Chaturvedi